Week 2 Thursday

— Christopher Genovese and Alex Reinhart

Plan for Today #

  • Unit Testing

Unit Testing #

Reference Notes

Bugs Happen! #

Complexity can have consequences!

It is easy to write a thousand lines of research code, then discover that your results have been wrong for months.

A Common Workflow #

  • Write some code
  • Try it on some cases interactively
  • Repeat until everything “seems fine”

Better than nothing but not reliable!

What can we do? #

  • Good practices and design - always a good idea
  • Proving Correctness - more feasible but still limited
  • Testing - try to break the system, but systematically

Types of testing #

unit testing
tests focused on small, localized/modular pieces of the code unit tests are focal and loosely coupled (or independent when possible)
generative testing
randomly generates inputs based on specified logical constraints and properties and produces minimal inputs on failure
integration testing
test how system components fit together and interact
end-to-end testing
test a users entire workflow
acceptance testing
does the system meet its desired specifications?
regression testing
tests on system changes to check that nothing has broken
top-down testing
tests based on high-level requirements

We will focus on unit testing, but keep in mind that some of the boundaries are blurry (and these are not mutually exclusive categories).

Unit Testing #

Unit testing consists of writing tests that are

  • focused on a small, low-level piece of code (a unit)
  • typically written by the programmer with standard tools
  • fast to run (so can be run often, i.e. before every commit).

A test is simply some code that calls the unit with some inputs and checks that its answer matches an expected output.

Many benefits, including:

  • Exposes problems early
  • Makes it easy to change (refactor) code without forgetting pieces or breaking things
  • Simplifies integration of components
  • Executable documentation of what the code should do
  • Drives the design of new code.

It takes time to test but can save time in the end.


Testing Framework #

A test is a collection assertions executed in sequence, within a self-contained environment.

The test fails if any of those assertions fail.

Tests should be:

  • focused on a single feature/function/operation
  • well named so a failure gives you a precise pointer
  • replicable/pure, returning consistent results if nothing changes
  • isolated, with minimal dependencies
  • clear/readable, so a failure is easy to interpret
  • fast, encouraging lots of tests run frequently
test_that("Conway's rules are correct", {
    # conway_rules(num_neighbors, alive?)
    expect_true(conway_rules(3, FALSE))
    expect_false(conway_rules(4, FALSE))
    expect_true(conway_rules(2, TRUE))

(This uses the testthat package for R, available from CRAN.)

A test suite is a collection of related tests in a common context.

If a test suite needs to prepare a common environment for each test and maybe clean up after each test, we create a fixture.

Examples: data set, database connection, configuration files

It is common to mock these resources – “stunt doubles” that mimic the structure of the real thing while doing the test.

Test Runners #

There is a wide variety of test runners for each language and a lot of sharing of ideas between them.

Language Recommended
R testthat
Python pytest, Hypothesis
JavaScript Jest
Clojure clojure.test, test.check
Java JUnit
Haskell HUnit, Quickcheck
General Cucumber

Test runners accept assertions in different forms and produce a variety of customizable reports.

Here’s a simple test from pytest

# in main_code.py
def add1(x):
    return x + 1

def volatile():
    raise SystemExit(1)

# in test_sample.py
import pytest

from main_code import add1, volatile

def test_incr():
    assert add1(3) == 4

def test_except():
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

Here’s a report from Python’s builtin unittest:

$ python test/trees_test.py -v

test_crime_counts (__main__.datatreetest)
ensure ks are consistent with num_points. ... ok
test_indices_sorted (__main__.datatreetest)
ensure all node indices are sorted in increasing order. ... ok
test_no_bbox_overlap (__main__.datatreetest)
check that child bounding boxes do not overlap. ... ok
test_node_counts (__main__.datatreetest)
ensure that each node's point count is accurate. ... ok
test_oversized_leaf (__main__.datatreetest)
don't recurse infinitely on duplicate points. ... ok
test_split_parity (__main__.datatreetest)
check that each tree level has the right split axis. ... ok
test_trange_contained (__main__.datatreetest)
check that child tranges are contained in parent tranges. ... ok
test_no_bbox_overlap (__main__.querytreetest)
check that child bounding boxes do not overlap. ... ok
test_node_counts (__main__.querytreetest)
ensure that each node's point count is accurate. ... ok
test_oversized_leaf (__main__.querytreetest)
don't recurse infinitely on duplicate points. ... ok
test_split_parity (__main__.querytreetest)
check that each tree level has the right split axis. ... ok
test_trange_contained (__main__.querytreetest)
check that child tranges are contained in parent tranges. ... ok

ran 12 tests in 23.932s


Organization #

Tests are often kept in separate directories in files named for automatic discovery (e.g., test_foo.py).

You can run individual tests, all of them, or filter by name patterns.


Some guiding principles:

  • Keep tests in separate files from the code they test.
  • Give tests good names. (Clearer? test_1 vs. =test_tree_insert)
  • Make tests replicable. If a test fails with random data, how do you know what went wrong?
  • Make your bugs into tests
  • Use separate tests for unrelated assertions
  • Test before every commit

For some tutorial guidance in Python and R testing, see Reference Notes Tutorial.

Big Issue #1: What To Test #

Core principle: tests should pass for correct functions but not incorrect functions

Seems simple enough but deeper than it might appear:

test_that("Addition is commutative", {
    expect_equal(add(1, 3), add(3, 1))

# This passes too
add <- function(a, b) {

# This too!
add <- function(a, b) {
    return(a * b)


  • Test several specific inputs for which you know the correct answer
  • Test “edge” cases, like a list of size zero or size eleventy billion
  • Test special cases that the function must handle, but which you might forget about months from now
  • Test error cases that should throw an error instead of returning an invalid answer
  • Test any previous bugs you’ve fixed, so those bugs never return.
  • Try to cover all the various branches in your code

Scenario 1. Find the maximum sum of a subsequence #

Function name: max_sub_sum(arr: Array<Number>) -> Number

max_sub_sum([]) = 0
max_sub_sum([x]) = x
max_sub_sum([1, -4, 4, 2, -2, 5]) = 9

In general, max_sub_sum return the maximum sum found in any contiguous subvector of the input.

Finding the algorithm for this is fun – as we will see later – but for now, how do we test it? (See the max-sub-sum exercise.)

Scenario 2. Create a half-space for a given vector #

Function: half_space_of(point: Array<Number>) -> (Array<Number> -> boolean)

Given a point in R^n, return a boolean function that tests whether a new point of the same dimension is in the positive half-space of the original vector.

foo <- half_space_of(c(2, 2))
foo(c(1, 1)) == TRUE

Scenario 3. What’s the closest pair of points? #

Function name: closest_pair(points)

Given a set of points in the 2D plane, find the pair of points which are the closest together, out of all possible pairs.

Later we will learn a good algorithm, using dynamic programming, to solve this without comparing all possible pairs. For now, let’s think of tests.

Question: are there properties of closest_pair that can be tested? Could we generate random data and test that these properties hold?

  • Test Ideas?

Scenario 4. Game of Life #

Big Issue #2: Test-Enhanced Development #

Test Driven Development (TDD) #

Test Driven Development (TDD) uses a short development cycle for each new feature or component:

  1. Write tests that specify the component’s desired behavior. The tests will initially fail as the component does not yet exist.
  2. Create the minimal implementation that passes the test.
  3. Refactor the code to meet design standards, running the tests with each change to ensure correctness.

Why work this way?

  • Writing the tests may help you realize what arguments the function must take, what other data it needs, and what kinds of errors it needs to handle.
  • The tests define a specific plan for what the function must do.
  • You will catch bugs at the beginning instead of at the end (or never).
  • Testing is part of design, instead of a lame afterthought you dread doing.

Try it. We will expect to see tests with your homework anyway, so you might as well write the tests first!

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) #

Software is designed, implemented, and tested with a focus on the behavior a user expects to experience when interacting with it.

Resources #

For whatever language you use, there is likely already a unit testing framework which makes testing easy to do. No excuses!


See the Testing chapter from Hadley Wickham’s R Packages book for examples using testthat.

  • testthat (recommended, friendly and easy)
  • RUnit (standard xUnit style)

Python #

Java #

Clojure #

JavaScript #

C++ #

Haskell #

Behavior-Driven Development Frameworks #