Statistical Computing

Welcome to the Fall 2024 edition of 36-750 Statistical Computing. This course website contains (nearly) everything related to the course: homework instructions, extensive lecture notes, and all course policies and rubrics.

Useful links:

Vital information:

TR 11:00am-12:20pm, Fall 2024
PH 226B
Christopher Genovese
Konrad Urban
Sent via Canvas. Ensure you receive Canvas announcement notifications or emails.
Email (Please include [750] at the beginning of the subject line when you email me, so I can prioritize your email. Complicated, non-administrative questions are usually best saved for office hours if possible.)
Office hours Location Person
TBD Baker 232E Chris
TBD TBD Konrad

If you can’t make it to office hours or need extra help, don’t hesitate to email (see above) or ask for an appointment.

Former students: We eventually remove your access to your old assignment repositories. If you didn’t keep a copy and want to get your old assignments back, just let us know and we can give you access.